Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cascade Classic Mountain Bike race

Cascade Classic in Montoursville PA: The sport race was 2 laps on an 8.2 mile course. Mike Nardeli, Sport Single Speed after getting out to a top 5 start folowed some misguided expert riders (hate that herding instinct) and made a wrong turn ending up on a paved road (never good in a mt bike race) so DNF for the race. Lesson learned: expert means they are fast but not always good navigators. Gary johnson and Mark Lentz both raced in Sport Master 1 and finished 1-2 respectively. Both were challenged by a rider from Guy's Racing For the first 4-5 miles even losing visual contact at points but working together managed to pass him and drop him. Gary also made a wrong turn but quickly realized he was off course while Mark took a break to readjust his seat. The course was MUDDY and then a little more mud with stand ing water and several rock walls to ride over ans skinny bridges. Oh yeah the course was muddy even some of the climbs. the course featured al the different type of mud you might encounter: thick, thin, watery, slippery, sticky slow me down mud and stinky (my favorite). There were plenty of rocks and root too and you know what mud does to those. The weather was great: sunny, low 70's. Next race: Iron Hill, DE June 6 cross country and enduro. The Iron Hill course features a 40 foot mega drop (yes it is that big).

Bob Potts memorial 5K

Kayla Redding

Time = 25:51 (eh)
33/167 overall
4th Female 25-29
Apparently there is a strategy to a 5K...I should figure that out prior to the next one I plan on doing....
Warming up is a good idea, especially when it is chilly...just winging it makes your muscles grumpy
Don't take it out too fast at the beginning - there will always be little kids and older folks faster than you....get over it :)