Return from hibernation

I typically ride with no type of cycling computer or even a HR monitor. I am picking the wrong time of year to use a Garmin Edge 605 to gather some ride data.
I went out today with a goal of doing two hours at a "base" pace and headed east to start. The good thing about that is that I had a nice tailwind the whole way out 462 but I think we all know the bad end of this deal. I figured that I could just try to pick a route that required allot of climbing so I wouldn't notice the headwind so much. Either way it I would suffer, I just prefer suffering on climbs to flat headwind.
Needless to say I could not keep my eyes from checking my speed, exactly why I don't ride with computers of any type. This only makes me feel like I should be going much faster than I was and potentially hurting myself in the the long run.
It was still great to be out and not sitting inside on the trainer. It will be nice when warmer weather is here and rides are longer and stronger.