Falling Up

Saturday Oct 17-Granogue MAC
This was one of those days that seem to make you walk away knowing why you continue to do this. The day was full of epic racing and more importantly, it was about being surrounded by a ton of people that love this sport. Riders of all levels pouring their hearts into racing in conditions that most would call just crazy or nonsense. I never saw so many smiles and happy attitudes,accepting the hand that was handed to them. The promoters of the race were the absolute best at brushing this off as just another race day and a big fat "eff you mother,what else have you got" attitude. The cross community is pretty glue like and it showed in huge way. It one of those "you had to be there" days, that can not be re-fabricated. Enough with my rant and roll here are some highlights and results of the day.
Highlights: (no particular order)
three days of rain= classic cross conditions.
new and improved course for 09.
heckling with Skip.
being Heckled by Skip, Izzy, Clark and Greg, Mike, etc.
seeing Justin B and watching him tear it up on the course.
watching Clark and Izzy race their asses off and getting good results.
pitting with Skip beside the one and only Richard Sachs.
hanging with the the GHSH crew.
Cant say that I had fun watching Gregs sprint finish but everything prior was on the edge of your seat, bad ass racing!!
Cat 4 Men
Mike H-45th
2/3/4 Masters
2/3/4 men
1/2/3 Masters
I chose to only leave links for the copious amounts of photos (far too many to choose from) but here is an one of my favorites.

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